
Thinking There: Who We Are

With enterprise systems, as with any major business initiative, success begins with a clear conception of the destination and a wholehearted commitment to getting there. This process of definition and commitment can be termed “thinking there.” It is an ongoing and iterative process of addressing some fundamental questions: Who are we as a company today – operationally, organizationally, technologically, culturally? What is our desired or “opportunity” state, driven by our strategy for distinguishing ourselves in the marketplace? Meanwhile, where does our marketplace, and especially the actions of our competitors, demand that we go? What is our capacity for changing? How can we boost that capacity if it’s not yet sufficient to get us to the destination? What specific business outcomes constitute the destination? How can we measure progress toward them?

Implementing Enterprise Systems

Implementing Enterprise Systems

“Thinking there” involves getting crisp answers to all these questions. In most companies, the answers are, with a fair degree of accuracy, already known, although they may not be well articulated or often publicly discussed. But to form the foundation for an ES initiative, they must be articulated and discussed. Why? Because with a business initiative as expansive and expensive as an ES, the last thing you want to do is attempt the impossible. And the next-to-last thing you want to do is leave potential business benefits on the table. To avoid both pitfalls, you’ve got to begin by “thinking there” clearly.

Enterprise systems are a type of business capability, which can be employed in a variety of circumstances and for a variety of purposes. But the heart of the business capability of ES is improving operational performance and increasing business coordination through process consistency and information sharing. An ES can be sensibly and successfully deployed as:

The “one system” for an integrated company.

The means of integrating selected processes, often associated with corporate functions such as finance and human resources.

The “common core” of systems for a company that seeks coordination across many processes while allowing local variations in how they’re performed.

The means of bringing selected processes in selected locations up to speed.

In other words, the approaches that work range from being global to being highly selective. And the number of workable approaches continues to grow – thanks to both experience and technological advance.

Many companies embark on ES initiatives with the intent of establishing common processes and information across all business units. What distinguishes the implementation successes from the failures is the seriousness of that intent. At project launch, the winners and losers say exactly the same things about the benefits of consistency, coordination and communication. But for some it’s just a momentary (though often convincing) commitment to a theoretical idea. For others, it’s the immediate mission of the corporation – clearly reflected in the day-to-day executive agenda and the executive compensation plan. Distinguishing between these two situations is not difficult for someone asking the right questions and looking for the right signs.

Thinking There: Business Outcomes

In the old days, information systems project management was about delivering “working software and trained users” at a cost within shouting distance of the original budget. Today, the business potential of technology-driven change is so great that the difference between “working software” and real business success can be the difference between business-as-usual and rearranging your competitive landscape. Successful companies can redefine market channel relationships, redefine customer relationships, or earn ROIs exceeding 100 percent. ES project management is not an IT challenge, but a business challenge – and the key to winning big is outcomes-based management.

Comprehensive outcomes-based management involves much more than a business case and benefit targets. Outcomes-based management is about identifying the key operational imperatives required to propel the overall business strategy, and driving these imperatives into the fabric of the work. Outcomes-based management forges the linkages from operational work to strategy and shareholder value.

In theory, this approach sounds simple. In practice, it requires diligence and sophistication. Why? Because business strategies are unique, and the key operational imperatives will be drawn from all disciplines: marketing, product and service development, channel management, operations, logistics, customer service, finance, etc. Although there are clear best-practices for outcomes-based management, there can be no cookbook methodology because ES is about competing through business operations. Our outcomes are what differentiate our business. Our outcomes allow our ES implementation to differ from everyone else’s.

Business outcomes are the definition of success: the result obtained, not the process for obtaining it. For example, reducing the average order processing cycle from 3 days to 5 minutes is a significant business success, but the pros and cons of alternate approaches to achieving this performance will always be legitimate subjects of debate. But with a clear initial definition of success and the determination to achieve it, these debates reach closure quickly and people commit to action. Throughout the research, we were struck by how clearly and crisply best-practice companies articulated their required business outcomes.

Business outcomes must be tangible and operationally specific, must have business significance and map to business value, and must be unambiguous and measurable. “Reducing order processing time from 3 days to 5 minutes” is a business outcome; “Implement a standard order processing system” is a rather vague goal. “Close the books in 2 days” is an outcome; “Improve the timeliness of financial reporting” is a vague goal.

Outcomes-based approaches simplify and accelerate ES projects and increase their chances of business success. ES projects are large and complex by nature. Project-plan tasks frequently number in the thousands. Project rosters of 30-50 full-time professionals are considered small, and 100+ are not atypical. Most significantly, business people are being asked to accomplish their work activities in new, different ways. Alignment is absolutely essential, and business outcomes are the agency for aligning activities and decisions of everyone involved in or affected by ES implementation. If linked appropriately across levels (from the shop-floor to the boardroom), the business outcomes can be a means to demolish cross-functional barriers. Projects accelerate because teams don’t dally in endless debate or pursue private agendas. The outcomes provide the platform for results and project accountability.

Business outcomes are developed through a facilitated conversation among senior managers. The conversation takes the understanding of “who we are” and the outline of a realistically ambitious “desired state,” and then makes the desired state tangible. What specifically distinguishes it from the present state of the business? What would it be like – in terms of operational performance and business capability – to have reached the desired state? What combination of performance levels and business changes constitute the desired state? These are the outcomes. The process of developing them is the beginning of the business alignment, change management, and communications campaign.

Getting There: Structuring ES Projects

Large ES projects can take on lives of their own. Preventing this, and enforcing focus on business objectives, requires explicit project structure, which in turn promotes the appropriate decisions and behaviors. Clear and well-communicated project structure is essential to ensure that both the project teams and their customer constituencies maintain clarity for the duration of the endeavor. An ES project’s structure – its overall design, activities and resource plans, timetable, and governance structure – is the most direct and detailed communication of serious intent that an organization can deliver. Structuring a large ES project involves the following activities.

Determine project phasing and timing. The basic options for implementation approach are horizontal and vertical. In a horizontal approach, a company implements one process (e.g., financials) across the entire enterprise (multiple organizations), before implementing subsequent processes (e.g., fulfillment). In a vertical approach, a company implements multiple processes (e.g., manufacturing, fulfillment, procurement, financials, etc.) at one operating unit, and progresses across the enterprise unit-by-unit. Within each approach there are variations in phasing: What can be done in parallel, what must be done sequentially, and what can be done in overlapping fashion? In a horizontal implementation, can many business units implement at once? In a vertical implementation, how many processes can “go live” together? What phasing allows us to gain experience fastest and transfer it across units most effectively?

Establish project team organization. An outcomes-oriented project explicitly recognizes that process-oriented corporate structures are inherently matrices. Process owners are responsible for the design and performance of processes wherever they are executed. Business owners, like divisional and location heads, are responsible for the work of organizational units. They have P&L responsibility, hence the most direct vested interest in realizing business outcomes. They and their people use the ES, ongoing education and training is in their budgets, and they have the ability to motivate people to change.

Establish technology and operating architecture. In the early 1990s, establishing an effective technology environment for the project itself required a depth and quantity of expertise in new platforms, networks and tools (e.g., UNIX, TCP/IP, Windows, SCCS, etc.) that was beyond most companies’ capabilities. Though setting up a project environment is still a major issue, the good news is that tools and practices have improved dramatically, and promise to continue improving. The best-practices approach to ES technology architecture is to analyze not only installation requirements, but also the anticipated services and service levels in the new technological environment. Since accelerated project management methods allow companies to configure pilot environments in less than a year, the time horizons to develop the enterprise’s long-term technological operating plan have shrunk dramatically.

Establish project governance. Executive management must have passion and create ownership for the business success of the project. Process and business ownership of the business outcomes must be real, not just a tacit steering committee blessing. For this reason, there must be a solid line relationship between the project team and the process and business owners. Ensuring that the relationships between the business and the project stay vibrant and powerful is the primary role and responsibility of the executive management board as well as the project leader. Leadership behavior is the norm, regardless of the box one sits in.

Develop the resource plan. Resourcing an ES project presents a basic choice. The least organizationally painful (but probably most expensive) approach is to hire a systems integrator to turnkey the effort. This approach leads to a focus on installing the software rather than transforming business operations, but most such projects do get done and generate positive ROI. The outcomes-based approach takes the opposite course. Systems integrators and consultants may be extensively employed, but the project cannot be turned over to someone else. Outcomes-based management is about trying to transform the enterprise. Because the business outcomes are so significant, the company makes the choice to put many of its best business and IT people on the project, to have the whole company pull together to take up the slack, and to undertake the change management initiatives for organizational transformation.

Learn and revisit. One of the inherent advantages of outcomes-based management is that, with a focus on the future, the grip of the present is less strong. It’s easier to assess the current situation dispassionately and determine if change is required to shorten the journey or improve the aim at the target. Though this license to re-think and change is an essential asset to project managers, it may be even more important to the business as a whole. Successfully “living there” occurs through ongoing examination and learning. Revisiting what’s being done and why should become second nature to people.

Two additional ongoing activities must explicitly overlay the above steps: develop and maintain executive passion, and develop and reinforce teamwork across the business and the impacted business communities. Executive and team behaviors must be consciously fostered throughout ES implementation. Otherwise, the barriers and restraints of business as usual will weaken alignment, project structure and the chances of successful outcomes.

Getting There: Managing ES Projects

Day-to-day project management is where everything comes together. ES project management involves orchestrating the work streams of many delivery teams, keeping those teams staffed and otherwise resourced, managing vendors and consultants, and communicating constantly and effectively with all constituencies, especially executive management. The project manager needs to focus not only on the technical software implementation, but also on managing teamwork and intra-project relationships, and fostering needed executive behaviors. If not managed well, any one of these dimensions can significantly undermine the project’s timeline, scope, economic value proposition, and prospects for completion and success. ES project management also involves:

Continuing the activities of project structuring, and sometimes restructuring the project on the fly. Team organization and governance are adjusted to accommodate changes in the players, business circumstances, outcomes priorities, and the growing experience level of the project staff. The technical architecture is adjusted as pilots reveal the detailed requirements of installation. And, of course, the details of the resource plan are adjusted continuously.

Occasionally revisiting with executive management the issues of “thinking there.” Even if business outcomes and project ambition are strongly aligned with business identity and strategy from the start, priorities and timing of outcomes may have to change due to changes in the business or the realities of how the ES project is unfolding.

Regularly anticipating “living there” issues. Day-to-day project management decisions should be driven by, in order of precedence: 1) business outcomes, 2) enabling the company to work well when the ES is in place, and 3) immediate project expediency. This precedence is clear, but can never be perfectly followed. The art of project management is making the tradeoffs that keep momentum up and keep the long-term direction in focus.

Paying constant attention to organizational change management. Change management activities – including general communications, changes in HR systems, and individual employee training – prepare people for the future by involving them in it, both intellectually and behaviorally. ES project management is as much about the work streams for change management as about those for process and technology change. Moreover, the project manager and other project leaders, by their personal example, create organizational energy and the will to change.

Many of the critical success factors for managing ES implementation are common to large business change initiatives: a clearly defined business model, strong sponsorship, an accomplished and well-positioned project manager, skilled and dedicated and empowered project teams, regular project tracking and reporting, and rapid resolution of issues as they inevitably arise. Several additional success factors are more specific to ES initiatives: avoiding the technology problems of inadequate infrastructure, managing the work of vendors and consultants, coping with team turnover during a lengthy project, managing the legacy environment in parallel, and communicating effectively with all stakeholders to maintain momentum.

Living There

The highest order of success is reached not just when a company attains the outcomes, and not just when it operates well with the ES in place, but when it becomes adept at “living there.” This means capitalizing on the information available in an ES and the experience gained in ES implementation, and making the ES a platform for new business initiatives, improved management processes, and ongoing creation of new business value.

Many firms that implement an ES tacitly assume that when the system is installed they are finished. The project team is disbanded save for a few maintenance personnel. The effort to mold the organization to the system, and vice-versa, is considered complete. Management’s attention moves to other issues. The ES project is a “success.”

But getting business value from an ES requires that it be viewed not as a project, but rather as a way of life. Some activities that are central to achieving ES value can only be undertaken once the system is in place. Others, though begun before installation, are not complete until the company learns to make the most of operating with an ES in place. There are the “living there” issues: How can the ES continue to make the firm more efficient and effective? How can the close fit between system and organization be maintained over time?

Some “living there” concerns involve operating the business and the ES after installation:

How do we maximize the value the organization derives from its ES in day-to-day operations?

How do we measure that value, above and beyond reaching the business outcomes, that drove the ES project?

How do we maintain and upgrade the ES?

Other “living there” concerns involve learning and adaptation:

How will the business and its ES accommodate changes to management processes and the information they use?

How will we adjust to changes in marketplace strategy, organizational structure, and operational processes?

How can we extend the ES model to customers and suppliers?

Few companies have had ESs implemented long enough to master all these “living there” issues, so there are no simple benchmarks or established best practice cases. Nonetheless, based on experience to date – especially the problems encountered by companies that failed to anticipate these issues – we can delineate the major issues of “living there” and adjust ES implementation activities to take advantage of that awareness.

Shaun White - Musings

Pundits, journalists, and  executives all agree: the Internet is the biggest thing since sliced bread – or maybe since the invention of double-entry accounting. Yet anyone who has been awake and breathing for the past several years knows that things are changing. The stock market is certainly different, and more and more companies are offering their products for sale over the Internet and World Wide Web. Its hard to believe many companies have not developed channel power to their full capability, recently noted  Comet and Best Buy both high street electronics stores in the UK.

“Comet sold for £2 and new owners get £50m sweetener”  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15660345 “Anglo-French electrical goods retailer Kesa announces plans to sell off its troubled UK-based Comet stores for £2 to a private equity firm. The buyer is a group of companies under the name “Hailey” advised by retailer turnaround specialists OpCapita. Kesa said it will itself invest £50m into the…

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  • Know where you are. The enterprise needs to understand where it is in the development of its administrative structure across the range from domestic to exporter to multi-domestic to transnational to global.
  • Develop IT support functions in local markets. This helps to create competitive advantage by enabling key systems to be rapidly deployed into overseas markets.
  • Identify the IT-based advantages that are specific to your company. Find points of strength in your operating IT environment that can be used in a foreign market to gain rapid market share.
  • Search for synergy. When working with joint ventures or acquisitions, focus on collaborative and knowledge-sharing systems as a “slow build” strategy for further integration.
  • Search for transparency. Work to enable transparency in your systems so that your partners can “look into” your processes – or even through your processes into your industrial value network.
  • Harvest the fruits of information integration. Pick applications portfolios nationally, but move control, design, support and hosting of major databases to a central “global” location.
  • Become both global and local. Reflecting the overarching need to be both globally coherent and locally adaptive, a multinational company’s information technology setup has to be both global and local. Adopt a “Lego-type” flexibility for systems and applications, and for IT support. Data must be standardized to be useable and useful. Interfaces need to be clear and unambiguous if different internal units and external parties are to be made a part of the overall architecture.
  • Build a collaborative backbone. Typically, the flexibility required by global systems is complemented by a robust and seamless system for messaging, reporting, logistics, and the like. There is a definite need for a “backbone” set of technologies and applications that keep the company integrated and to support any attempt at a global strategy.

For more information contact Shaun

Global IT Management Teams

The CIO plays a key role in the organizational success of IT globalization by ensuring that the proper level of IT leadership is in place across the corporation. Regional or line of business IT executives must contribute to the global initiatives as a team. Ideally, the regional IT executives will report to the regional presidents. At a minimum, the regional IT executive must have access to and be in a position to influence the regional president and his or her direct reports. The global IT council, composed of the senior IT leadership from corporate headquarters and the regions, will then be in a position to play a key role in establishing programs, priorities, standards and support capabilities across the enterprise. Objectives of this global IT council will typically include:

  • Build and promote the global IT vision.
  • Determine the major components of the global applications portfolio.
  • Set technical and process standards for systems implementation.
  • Define responsibilities for implementation and support at the global, regional and local levels.
  • Drive maximum application commonality, balancing unique local requirements with the global business process models.
  • Demonstrate leadership in the transfer of business process models, templates and best practices in system implementation, and other organizational learning.
  • Seek economies of scale in IT, leveraging partnerships with key suppliers globally and pursuing shared services where it makes sense.

Typically, the corporate IT organization will own primary responsibility for IT vendor management, “product management” of the global solutions, applications integration and portfolio management, and IT infrastructure. Technical and user support will typically be marshaled to meet local coverage and service-level needs. Mobile implementation teams are often utilized at both the corporate and regional levels. The global IT council will seek the proper balance in local and regional user support services.

The global IT council also contributes to the “internationalization” of solutions and services by:

  • Recruiting the best business and IT professionals for the global process teams.
  • Ensuring regional representation on global technology teams charged with development of detailed standards (e.g., communications networks, email and collaboration tools, e-commerce technologies).
  • Assessing candidates for advancement in corporate or other regional IT leadership positions.

The members of the global IT council can also play a pivotal role in bringing regional business insight to the IT leadership team, and in influencing regional general management.

Early in any globalization effort, the IT council should resolve the primary responsibilities among corporate, major business units, regions, and local sites. The responsibility “boundaries” will evolve over time, but early classification can prove very productive in speeding discussions. The results of one such classification exercise at a global corporation are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Global IT Architecture Responsibility


Global IT Architecture Responsibility

The use of multiple specialized management teams on IT globalization initiatives can be a very effective way to strengthen effectiveness of global standards, and, more importantly, to create a sense of worldwide ownership of the results. To the extent possible, the teams should utilize company talent from around the world, including technical business leaders who own respect within the various international regions. Together these individuals become a powerful conduit for ideas and content from the region, and the promotion of standards to the local organizations. Examples of possible strategic global teams include:

  • Enterprise Applications Council – Provides leadership in business process model implementation, global/regional data models, applications integration standards, version management, and prioritization of requests for vendor enhancements.
  • Technical Infrastructure Council – Focuses on standards for networks, servers, operating systems, and solutions and tools for systems operation management, data management, information access, email, and collaboration tools.
  • Electronic Commerce Council – Typically chaired by corporate marketing, this council provides leadership in corporate “image” standards, Web-site linkage and content coordination, browsers and other tools, Web-page design, and technology services providers.
  • Shared Services Councils – Typically chaired by corporate finance, these teams pursue opportunities to improve operations economies through the establishment of shared services for processes that may be consistent across multiple locations. The shared services centers are typically by geographic region, and include functions such as finance, HR, legal, IT operations, and sometimes engineering.

For more information contact Shaun http://www.sacherpartners.eu

Given the many potential advantages of increased coordination across the global enterprise, it is essential that the IT function be organized to enable and support global information management, technology infrastructure, and business applications. Deciding how to organize and manage IT in a way that overcomes any natural resistance toward coordination (e.g., local entrepreneurial spirit, the “not invented here” syndrome) can be challenging. For many multinational corporations, attempts to globalize IT have been disappointing. The key to success seems to be in finding the right “hooks” of intrinsic value for the local business entities, as well as the corporation at large – in other words, answering the question, “What’s in it for me?”

The first step in developing the right “hooks” is not in reshuffling the boxes on IT organization charts, but rather organizing IT globalization projects so that the results are clearly understood and committed to. Organizing for results includes two major elements of communication. First, the globalization initiative must progress from a set of clearly defined business outcomes, owned by senior executives, that serve as the strategic rationale for the investment. Second, the project must be owned and staffed jointly among regional IT organizations, the appropriate business process owners, and line executives. A detailed project plan – with all major events, milestones, responsibilities, dependencies, and timelines indicated – is also crucial to success. Characteristics of an effective project plan include:

  • Clearly articulated business outcomes, with metrics and accountabilities.
  • Joint responsibility for business change with business process owners and line executives.
  • Detailed project implementation tasks – with major decision “tollgates” identified.
  • Pilots for operational testing and evaluation of measured business results.
  • Delegation of decision making, with clarity of scope and the process for escalation of issues (e.g., to global process executive sponsors).
  • Continuous communication and collaboration with international counterparts.
  • Executive management actively engaged in defining the outcomes and measuring results.

As a team effort, and a business priority, the IT globalization initiative then has the visibility, the access to expert business resources, and most importantly the legitimacy to proceed to success.

Business Ownership of Global Projects

Whether it is the deployment of a common infrastructure, the implementation of a set of technical standards, or the installation of common business applications, global projects should begin with a rigorous assessment of the desired business outcomes. What new capabilities and measures of performance are needed? How will this project enable those objectives? What is the value of these outcomes to the local business units? How do the outcomes advance key strategic objectives of the corporation?

The business outcomes must be owned and articulated by members of senior management of the corporation. In the most successful cases, there are one or more functional champions for the globalization of processes who create the pull for standardizing the technology. Examples include global vice presidents of engineering, manufacturing, finance or distribution. In many cases these global process owners and IT management have partnered to define the desired technological end-state, based upon the desired business outcomes. In very large organizations, it is often useful to take the vision one step further during the conceptual stage and construct a high-level business process model. The business process model then becomes a guide in the subsequent configuration of the application software to be used. The key result of the process-modeling exercise is to clearly define the level of process standardization required, and at what level the model is open to local practices or local statutory requirements.

All large project undertakings, and especially global initiatives, require the ownership by business executives at both the process (e.g., manufacturing, finance, distribution) and line of business (international region or product line) levels. This can most effectively be achieved through an outcomes-based project governance structure, as depicted in Figure 6.

Figure 1: Outcomes-Based Project Governance

This organizational structure explicitly recognizes that process-oriented corporate structures are inherently matrices. Process owners are responsible for the design and performance of processes wherever they are executed. Business owners, like divisional and location heads, are responsible for the work of organizational units. They have P&L responsibility, hence the most direct vested interest in realizing business outcomes. They and their people use the global systems, ongoing education and training is in their budgets, and they have the ability to motivate people to change.

This project management structure continuously incorporates, coordinates and aligns both of these constituencies. Process owners reshape processes to enable business outcomes. Business owners reshape organizations to realize the outcomes and their benefits. Coordinating mechanisms are embedded in, not tacked onto, the project structure. Rapid issue resolution draws on both constituencies. And change management is the explicit and ongoing responsibility of both.

In this model, process ownership is clearly established and executed through a team of process experts. These team members are typically selected from the most successful line managers in operations, and are assigned the temporary duty of full-time leadership of the global initiative’s business process improvements. These process experts help articulate the business process model to drive the project, interpret and resolve any local issues, and help to promote the benefits of the project to their functional counterparts across the enterprise. The process teams are in turn supported by process executive sponsors.

Utilizing process experts from across the enterprise has obvious benefits in speeding acceptance and ownership of the business process models. It also gives added assurance that important local capabilities and requirements are not overlooked. The teams must also communicate with stakeholders at the process and business unit level at regular intervals during technology development. The communications themes include promotion of the vision, solicitation of input, and building awareness and knowledge. Updates from the global process team members to their local, regional or line of business management is another valuable mechanism to aid communication with line management across the corporation.

Senior managers, including process executives, business unit general management and the corporate CEO, play a vital role in the success of global projects, especially as these projects begin to move from the conceptual to the implementation stage. Having provided leadership and guidance in shaping the key business strategies and outcomes, these leaders must now function as articulate advocates for the programs’ rationale. In this way they can help overcome local resistance. They will also support the process teams in resolving issues around the degree of process standardization required to achieve the business outcomes.

Senior management must send the consistent and unmistakable message that the project is an important investment for the overall good of the enterprise. On very large enterprise projects, project success has been made a significant component of the incentive bonus of line executives.

Regards Shaun

Shaun White - Musings

Define your strategy. Determine the basic strategy your are employing (e.g., why you are going to us an Cloud Computing and what it is going to provide for you). We have identified several generic strategies that are available including time to market and cost reduction, and several variations. Without knowing your basic raison d’etre for going the Cloud Computing route, it will be impossible to evaluate your success, or to value the service you are buying.

Assess your current platform and investment. You need to determine the compatibility of the proposed Cloud Computing with your platform, both from a technology point of view as well as from a systems maturity viewpoint. Look for application sets that are not well developed in your organization, and have a relatively small number of interfaces to other applications, that will tend to be relatively stable over time, and that do not require a…

View original post 720 more words

Shaun White - Musings

Management Summary

I started with what we thought was a simple question: what management practices will focus IT professionals on business results more effectively? For over 40 years business executives have been complaining that IT professionals are more interested in IT than they are in the business. And there is plenty of evidence that those complaints are legitimate. We have all heard stories of huge, technically elegant projects that failed miserably when they were implemented because they were inappropriate, poorly designed, or they “solved” problems that end users didn’t know they had (or knew they didn’t have).

However, I learned rather quickly that it isn’t easy to pull together an inventory of management tactics; our “simple” question raised all kinds of very basic issues about IT’s fundamental role, about what it means for IT to add value, insourcing versus outsourcing, recruiting strategies and career paths, IT/business relationships and accountabilities, and…

View original post 1,360 more words

  1. Track multi-project performance against program budget, delivery targets and business objectives; proactively forecast budget and resource requirements
  2. Audit project practices to meet quality objectives
  3. Coordinate and manage logistics, resources, and infrastructure requirements (e.g., personnel, PM tools and methods, contractors, etc.)
  4. Plan:  maintain a master plan identifying all project interconnections and dependencies and address delays before they affect other projects
  5. Manage quality:  make sure there is consistent implementation of methodologies and best practices
  6. Modify:  monitor changing business requirements; modify project plans and contingency plans as needed
  7. Communicate the objectives and progress of the program internally and externally; ensure communication among project teams
Program Management

Program Management

For more information contact Shaun http://www.sacherpartners.eu

Measuring Shared Services

Without measurement systems, it’s difficult to improve your performance. You may have people working on the wrong things because they don’t know what’s important. And you may be subject to continual complaints about service and cost based on anecdotal evidence and past history rather than current performance.

Measurement systems really need to look at three issues:

  • Performance – do we do what we do well?
  • Value – is the work we do valuable to the business and its customers?
  • Health – what is our ability to sustain and improve performance?
Measuring Shared Services

Measuring Shared Services

Current measurement systems often concentrate on performance of specific tasks or processes because this is the easiest to measure. But work of little value, even if done well, does not help the business. At the same time, measures of health are necessary to ensure that we don’t achieve current good performance at the expense of sustainability – a classic example is a factory that skips preventive maintenance to increase current quarter profits. Without health measures, you may not see the consequences of such action soon enough.

Value Propositions

Before you try to measure the performance of any shared services organization, you should start by establishing its value proposition. Unfortunately, the starting point is often unpromising – the default definition for many shared services organizations is “all the non-value-added activities.” Nevertheless, there must be a value proposition for each of the processes and activities of the shared services unit. If not, drop the activity! Value propositions will normally fall into one of three categories: baseline, tactical (often project-based), and strategic services. Table 1.0 provides example value statements in each category.

Table 1.0: Example Value Propositions

Service/ Measures


Value Statement

Baseline :

  • Cost
  • Accuracy
  • Availability
  • Timeliness


Payroll processing is a baseline activity required “to be in business.”  The shared services unit now processes payroll for an average cost of £9.00 per employee per month, with less than one error per 10,000 pay events and a 100% on-time record for paycheck processing, tax deposits and tax reporting. These metrics compare with the 1997 baseline metrics for the six largest business units of costs of £11.23 per employee per month, an average error rate of 7 errors per 10,000 pay events and a 99.5% on-time record for paycheck processing, tax deposits and tax reporting.
Email services for all employees have been determined to be an essential activity. Email is now available for 100% of the workforce at a cost of £11.00 per employee per month. Availability of Email is now 99.6% (less than 36 hours of downtime per year). Response time complaints have decreased to 30% from the1997 baseline year. In the baseline year for the six largest business units, costs were £12.15 per employee per month, availability averaged 99.1% (more than 78 hours of downtime per year), and response time complaints averaged 7 per user per year.
New employee set-up has the goal of ensuring that, once a new employee has an assigned start date, he/she will have the equipment, location, and training needed to be productive from the first day. This includes finding a location for the employee; obtaining office equipment (if needed), phones, computers, voice mail, passwords, email accounts, and access to computer applications he/she will need; and completing benefits and payroll enrollment and all drug testing. We provide initial orientation and a new employee help desk for the first four weeks. For all employees that start on designated orientation days, the goal is 100% set-up and usefulness on the first day of employment. For non-orientation start dates, the goal is 100% set-up and usefulness within four days. New employee set-up labor costs now average £1,025 for all employees starting on designated orientation days and £1,525 for employees starting on other days. (Equipment is excluded from this charge, as it is a capital expenditure of the business unit.)  There is no comparable benchmark on cost from the past. However, several surveys indicated that new employees were waiting an average of six days after hire date for completion of all of the items above.

  • Project-related measures
  • Satisfaction
  • “Market share” versus external suppliers


Compensation design consulting services are offered to business units to help them reward desired performance, encourage retention of high performers, and enhance employee perception of compensation fairness. Services are offered at hourly and fixed-price project rates. These rates are at fully loaded cost plus a cost of capital charge. The compensation design group has 10 professionals who bill on average approximately 1,500 hours per year to client (business unit) work. This met the goal of 75% staff utilization (comparable to outside professional services firms). For each project involving more than 80 hours of work, we do a post-project interview to ascertain the business client’s perception of value received. Overall, satisfaction with these services was 8 on a 10-point scale. The business units may use outside providers of this service, and last year they used 3,000 hours of outside help. This fit the goal of providing 20% of these services on contract, 80% in-house.

  • Meeting of business strategic objective
Procurement of strategic materials with delivery within 12 hours of planned time at least 99% of the time is essential to the goals of inventory management. We need to achieve these time commitments while keeping strategic materials cost at less than 18% of COGS. In the baseline year, at the 6 largest business units, strategic materials costs averaged 18.7% of COGS (17%-21%), planned delivery time window was 24 hours, and that window was met 98.7% of the time. By leveraging our purchasing power across the 27 participating business units, we have increased our leverage with our 4 largest suppliers. Each has been willing to commit to price stability, which should result in the 18% COGS goal. They have taken forward future contracts, reduced delivery windows, and set a goal of 99% on-time delivery.

Selecting Metrics

I believe that once you clarify the value proposition, it will be much easier to identify the appropriate metrics.

For more information contact Shaun

Concern # 2 – Operations

Reliability of the Cloud. Cloud Companies may not provide service level required or may go out of business. No one knows that the general reliability of the Cloud will be, or even how it can be measured adequately. If history is any guide to the future, then experimentation with a new model of delivering computing services in a matter of course will involve problems. No one wishes to be the first to experience these problems. Amelioration Strategy: Favor the large End-to-End providers (i.e., EDS/SAP).

Loss of control: data, software, and operational management. How can day-to-day operations and management control be set

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

up under the Cloud model? What are the organizational implications when data, software, and operations are under someone else’s purview? Clearly, each organization will be forced to answer this question in a different way, but for some, uncertainty in this domain under the Cloud model may prove to be a significant barrier to adoption. For others, perhaps, it will prove to be a great opportunity. Amelioration Strategy: Difficult. Try to maintain in-house expertise to use in case of a problem.

Technical decisions made by third party. What are the implications for IT autonomy when technical decisions are being made elsewhere, out of direct control? Amelioration Strategy: No real solution, unless Cloud and customers are partners.

Lack of in-house experts. Presumably, use of an Cloud will reduce the need to employ in-house experts in various areas of information technology and applications. This will reduce costs, but at the same time strip away skilled personnel from internal IT operations. IT organizations need to understand the implications of the lack of in-house experts. Note this is generally a long-term systemic issue with outsourcing. Like outsourcing, the Cloud model will create a certain level of dependence of the enterprise on its Cloud. Amelioration Strategy: Give in-house experts control over research responsibilities, and give them management decision status.

Staff migration from company. Few have considered the staffing implications of the Cloud model. What will happen to your own IT staff (assuming you have one) after the Cloud starts to take over major segments of your applications portfolio? If the staff leaves, then will your organization permanently lose the ability to ever build up an in-house operation? If so, then what are the long term implications for that? Clearly, migration of staff away can have serious implications, but it is difficult fully to anticipate what they are. Amelioration Strategy: Give in-house experts control over research responsibilities, and give them management decision status.

Boardroom representation. If the Cloud is a key partner in providing your service, it must be aware of all of your competitive plans, yet it also services your customers. The logical board member representing IT would be the Cloud itself, yet since it services competitors, this is not workable. Amelioration Strategy: Give in-house experts control over research responsibilities, and give them management decision status.

Unclear responsibility for failures. With the Cloud sharing your processing, problem determination can be difficult. If something fails, it may be unclear who is responsible for the failure. Amelioration Strategy: Pick Cloud providers carefully. Contract for single point of responsibility.

Technical decisions made by third party. Once the Cloud is doing the processing, it makes the technical decisions. This removes them from your control. The risk is that you are at the hands of the Cloud for IT-based innovation. Amelioration Strategy: No real solution, unless Cloud and customers are partners.

Mass market versus customization. It is impossible to get competitive advantage from IT applications that everyone else has access to. At the same time, customization can be expensive, possibly reversing the Cloud economic advantage.

Concern # 3 – Peak Workload Concerns

Monthly financial cycles, operational peaks, end-of-year, holiday crunches, and annual meetings – what will happen to a fully-developed Cloud model implementation when it is the end of the billing cycle and hundreds of company uses are doing their monthly billing? Will the system be able to handle it? If so, then how much extra capacity will the Cloud be required to build so that no one receives a “busy signal” during peak hours? And if a significant amount of extra investment is required, then how can the Cloud be profitable? The fact is that no one at this time understands the full implications of peak loading. Amelioration Strategy: Proper Cloud selection and use of contract guarantees.

Concern # 4 – Software Issues

There are a variety of software-related issues that must be considered in the evolving Cloud model:

Version update problems. What will happen when new versions of the software program are released? Has anyone  had experience migrating hundreds of different customers, and their data, to new versions? Although this is not impossible, not many Cloud vendors have done it yet,  and as a result it is a legitimate concern. However In my experience salesforce.com does manage this well, you need to make sure you choose carefully.  Amelioration Strategy: Exercise control by having ownership of the server or partition if possible.

Inability to customize. If the user organization has contracted for vanilla services from the Cloud, then it will be either impossible or very costly to make any type of modification or customization in the software outside of strictly pre-defined ranges of change. Each of these ranges for change needs to be negotiated in advance, because each will involve pricing; yet, it is impossible for any user fully to anticipate all of the changes that are going to be required. As a result, for some users the inability to customize the software being used might present a series of unanticipated business problems. Amelioration Strategy: Make this an advantage by minimizing customization.

Concern # 5 – Selection of Best Cloud Vendors

There are 1000’s  of Cloud vendors, but most persons have heard of only a few. Under these circumstances, how is it possible to make the best choice? Clearly advertising and word of mouth is going to play an important part in selection and screening, but this can not substitute for a clear and more transparent process. Until the markets ‘‘shakes out’’ some with the emergence of dominant players who have a good market reputation, selection of Cloud vendors will remain extraordinarily difficult to the user. Amelioration Strategy: Use a consultant with a track record in doing this.

Other Limiting Factors

Contract limitations. It is impossible to place too much emphasis on the importance of careful contract negotiation. Since there is a poor track record – actually no historical record at all – for Cloud vendors, it will be more difficult to write ‘good’ contracts that can handle the vast amount of new contingencies that may appear. As a result, the contract itself may end up being a liability for either the vendor or the user, neither situation of which is good for the relationship. Amelioration Strategy: Sign shorter contracts, adjust as necessary during renewal. Advance study pays off.

Pricing and economic assumptions may be faulty. There is such a high amount of change in the market, that pricing models can not possibly remain stable. They have not stabilized yet, and may not do so until the third quarter of 2012. As a result, any long-term contract (of perhaps more than 1 year) is subject to a significant amount of arbitrage risk in pricing. Amelioration Strategy: Sign shorter contracts, adjust as necessary during renewal. Do more than listen to the Cloud.

User resistance to change. In some organizations, user re-training, acceptance, and possible resistance to change may inhibit model adoption. Any type of change such as this demands significant sensitivity on the part of IT regarding users. Note that user resistance may not come only from desktop workers, but might as well come from line managers worried about confidentiality and security of their proprietary data. “If one of our competitors is using the same Cloud, how can we guarantee we will be protected?” might be one expressed concern. Amelioration Strategy: Improve training.

Reduced ability to develop competitive systems. Being forced to renegotiate new contracts or add ARUs (additional resource units) each time the enterprise wishes to adopt a major change in technology may not be the preferable route for companies wishing to develop competitive systems. Amelioration Strategy: In-house expertise still needed. Don’t let it slip away.

No standards for certification of applications or service levels. There are no standards for either of these. Amelioration Strategy: In absence of standards, develop your own – either on your own, or with unbiased experienced consultants.

Checklist for Ongoing Management of Your Cloud

Stick to clearly defined responsibilities
  • The company
  • The vendor
Follow pricing formulas and ground rules for change
  • Triggers (tariff increases or decreases, cost of living, etc.)
Formalize change management
  • Formal process and authorization
  • Updates/new releases/new services
  • Changes in requirements
  • Triggers
Monitor performance and service level guarantees
  • Define governance process and responsibilities
  • Specify vital signs, tolerance ranges, and metrics. What is measured – response time, storage capacity, up-time, time-to- repair/recovery, other? How frequently? For what time period? How do you calculate? What period to redress?
  • Reporting periods and formats
  • Face-to-face review meetings
  • Issues management
Put in place an escalation policy and process
  • Define conditions as to when to escalate to next higher level
  • Disputes, recourse and remedies
  • Internal responsibilities
  • External responsibilities – arbitration, the courts
Prepare for untoward contingencies, disaster recovery, back-up and insurance claims
  • Testing
  • Insurance (for multiple reasons – privacy, theft, going out of business, liability, intellectual property
  • Planning
Know how to terminate the agreement
  • Define conditions and responsibilities
  • Define transition plan and costs
  • Define who owns what resources
For more information please contact Shaun